Friday, May 4, 2007

Point to Ponder

We had our small group on Wednesday. I love small group because you never know where our discussions will lead. We usually end up on rabbit trails, but they're interesting rabbit trials and times of growth.
This week one of the rabbit trails led to a discussion of the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son [Jesus], and God the Holy Spirit). As I was trying to think of an intelligent yet simple way to describe a concept our finite minds cannot even begin to comprehend, someone (I can't give names because we have a confidentiality agreement in our group) explained that you can compare the Trinity to an egg: all three parts (shell, white, yolk) are individual but still one egg. As we were all amazed at the simplicity of that answer, someone decided to be funny and ask which part of the egg would be the Father, which part would be the Son, and so on. Once again, before I could say that you can't read into it that much someone else gave this awesome explanation:
The egg's shell is the protection (God). The egg white is the inner membrane that purifies the egg (Jesus). The egg yolk provides the nutrients for the growing embryo (Holy Spirit).

Very interesting.


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