Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wake Up Call

There are several blogs I try to read on a regular basis, if not a daily basis. One of those belongs to Rachel's cousin Gretchen. Her post today really made me think about something that I'm reminded of often, but this time I'm going to write it down.
She mentioned how she loves to read and is always talking about what she's read and giving others advice on books and so forth (her last few blog entries have been on this topic). Today, though, she realized that she
"rarely offer up insights I gained from my personal Bible reading".
This brings me to my thoughts. I'm constantly thinking of ways to help grow the church--new ideas, new methods, training leaders, discipling, etc.--but I sometimes lose track of my own growth, my own training, or my own discipleship. Today was one of those days that I just truly got into my personal Bible reading. I just wanted to keep reading more! I love those days!
If there's one thing I've learned over the last few years, it is this: be a life-long learner. Once you reach a point where you think you have things under control and you set life on cruise, which I seem to do way too often, there's a problem. I hope to never reach a point where I no longer want to grow or learn. Yes, I sometimes get lazy, I'll admit that, but deep down I still want to continue growing in knowledge and faith.
I don't think Gretchen even knows I read her blog, and I highly doubt she reads mine, but still the same, thanks for the reminder, Gret.


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