Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Only Me

I know some people would consider me accident prone but I would have to disagree. I just happen to have strange things happen to me! Those of you who have known me for a while now what some of those "strange" things are, but I'm about to add one of the strangest to the list.
Sunday night we had our yearly kick-off for The MiX Student Ministries by having one of our famous gym nights. One of the games we played was Musical Chairs of Death (check the link for the rules). In the process of the game I tried to throw a very light ball very hard, which of course is nearly impossible. As I launched the ball with the purpose of inflicting pain on a teenager, I felt a pop in my side and the pain was inflicted on myself instead. 
As far as I can tell I'm the only person who cracked a rib playing musical chairs!


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