Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ok, ok...I'll do it. 25 Random Things

25 Random Things

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

1. I'm a twin (No, we're not identical).
2. I'm the youngest of five kids (My twin brother is 3 minutes older then I am).
3. I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina (By the way, that's in South America).
4. I've had a driver's license in four different states.
5. I've been called metrosexual by most people who know me.
6. I would one day like to see a World Cup game live, visit New Zealand and see where LOTR was filmed (What? They're great movies!), see Mt. Everest (not climb it), see all the Civil War battlefields, go back to D.C., and some other things I can't remember right now.
7. I wish I had been more of a reader when I was growing up.
8. I believe soccer is not a sport; it is a way of life.
9. I've broken six different bones in my body of which I am aware and have had at least 3 major concussions...that I can remember.
10. I have a knee that is only 2.5 years old.
11. Fatherhood is a daunting responsibility and it freaks me out when I think about it.
12. I love being a dad.
13. I hate the spotlight but like recognition (Yes, I know that's both vain and lazy, but I'm working on it).
14. I know I'm not as cool as I like to think I am. In fact, I'm pretty much the biggest dork you'll ever meet.
15. I do what I love and I love what I do.
16. Rachel and I have just adopted our son Trent.
17. I'm allergic to cats and wasp stings. Found out about both of them the hard way.
18. I pegged my pants for way too long after it was cool (If you don't know what that is, don't worry about it).
19. I crave familiarity.
20. I'm a neat freak, and like to have things organized.
21. My favorite styles of music right now are Euro Rock and folk (I told you I was a dork).
22. I love my red hot, smokin' wife, Rachel, and my crazy cool son, Trent. (I'll probably be in trouble that I didn't put this at #1).
23. I've just come to the realization that "interesting" is a relative term.
24. Some people seem to think I can sing.
25. I thought these types of lists were only filled out in jr. high.

After filling out this thing I realized I could have written a LOT more!


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