Friday, January 18, 2008

Echoes of Me

Wow! Once again I realize that this blog is updated far less than first intended!

Well, I have again seen a picture of myself in Trent. He's at the fun age of discovery. He's constantly learning new things as well as getting into everything! One of his favorite "hobbies" is getting into the dog's food and water dishes. He either throws food at Chico or splashes in the water. Now, he knows that is a "no, no" but that doesn't seem to matter most of the time. After hearing that repeatedly a couple of days ago he ended up in his bed for a while. When he was allowed to "think" (like that actually happens) about what he had done I brought him out, showed him the dishes, and said, for the hundredth time, "NO!" I put him down and continued with what I was doing, but not more than 30 seconds after that I see him head back to the dishes and squat down as close as he could to them. Before I could say anything to him he began shacking his head and saying "no, no". He would reach out his hand wanting to splash in the water, but didn't quite get close enough to it. He knew he was not supposed to mess with it, but he got as close as he could to it.

This was one of those moments where God just hit me upside the head! That is me! I get as close as I can to sin without actually sinning (is that even possible?). I know it's wrong and I know it brings consequences, but still I want to get as close as I can! I tell myself "no" but, like Paul, I end up doing that which I don't want. It makes me wonder if God feels the same way as a Father as I feel as a father--frustrated when our child knows what to do and doesn't do it.

It's amazing how God can use a 16-month-old little boy to work in the life of a 30-year-old man (some would still say boy!) to give him little wake up call and reminder. The Christian walk keeps life interesting!


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