Thursday, November 1, 2007

Puke and Love

Ok, Rachel and I have this agreement when it comes to Trent clean up: I clean what comes out the top, she cleans what comes out the bottom. I thought I had fooled her and given her the raw end of the deal...I was wrong! I got a phone call from Rachel today no more than five minutes after she left my office on her way to Ft. Wayne. All she said was, "Meet me at home. Trent's puking." Being the "save-the-day" wannabe dad/husband that I am, I said, "I'll be right there!" (You can almost see my chest puffed out and my hands on my waist a la superhero.)
I don't want to be gross so I will spare you the details, but I will say it was A LOT and it was CHUNKY! Very chunky! So after hosing down the car seat and the baby (and nearly throwing up several times myself) all we could do was laugh!
This "interesting" experience, though, was a reminder of Christ's love. I know, it sounds a little weird, but just follow me for a second. Come to find out, Trent had drunk from last night's bottle and that is what made him sick. I know I do the same thing and, no, that's not an analogy for drinking. There are things I desire that aren't good for me, much like Trent and his milk. Even when the consequences are nasty we know we can still go to our Father to "hose us down." The consequences are still there (in Trent's case I don't think that car will ever smell the same again), but God cleans up the mess and forgives us. Trent's filthy, smelly, nasty condition didn't change how much I love him, and our sin will never cause God to love us less (Romans 8).
Anyway, that's my "deep" thought for the day! By the way, does anyone know how to get the smell of curdled milk out of your nose?


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