Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I've been going over my notes from Catalyst today and have been picking out quotes that really stuck with me. Here are a few:

"Prioritize the role no one else can play over the role anyone can play." -Andy Stanley
"God, stretch me, heal me, ruin me." -Craig Groeschel  
"To reach people no one else is reaching, we must do things no one else is doing." -Craig Groeschel  
"Don't do to the next generation what the previous generation did to you." -Andy Stanley
"When your memories exceed your dreams, the end is near."
-Andy Grove



Jason said...

Wow, dude, those are great. That Andy Stanley comment is awesome. If I ever speak at BBF Fellowship Week, which will never happen, I would definitely quote that.

Scott said...

Andy Stanley is the man. I couldn't take notes fast enough when he was speaking. He's my Mark Driscoll.
If either one of us ever get to speak at Fellowship Week I'm going SBC because that will be the end of the BBF!